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What is so Important about Design?

Architectural Design Firm interior samples

At Creative Spaces, we value our design planning.

We aren’t just contractors, and we aren’t just designers either. At Creative Spaces, we do it all. From the building to the structural engineering, we’re here to ensure your creative dreams really do come true. Our process is simple: we meet you, understand what it is that you want, and then we get to work.

We get many calls asking about how important the design process really is. Is it necessary for us to put as much effort into the process as we do? We call ourselves remodeling therapists for a reason. We understand that your vision is specific and unique. It isn’t a box that can be checked off. When we meet you to discuss your project, we’re prepared to listen, and we’re prepared to plan.

You can erase a line but you can’t erase a wall

We stress the importance of planning and preparation because we care about your project. The age-old wisdom “measure twice, cut once” applies to the design industry as well. Each project is different, and it’s important to understand the entire floor plan of a structure before beginning our work.

After visiting your home and measuring the space, our designer or architect will draw what we call “as-builts”, drawings of your existing home, and use these drawings as the starting point to the development strategy. This preparedness helps us understand the client to the fullest potential.

Ensure that the additions make sense

Your vision is gold. While we will do everything in our power to make sure your vision comes to life, we want to ensure that your project flows with the rest of your home. As a rule, it’s always more expensive to purchase a new home then to renovate. So more than likely, there are aspects of your current house that you’re keeping as is. You can have that dream kitchen you’ve been saving up for, but planning the design will guarantee that your new kitchen flooring doesn’t clash with the tiling in your living room.

Work with your budget

When you plan with one of our designers, you can account for how much the project with cost. Part of your dream kitchen may be slightly out of your price range today, but discussing with a professional can help you decide on ideas and products you may not have even considered yet. Our highly trained professionals can inspire you to map out the renovation you’ve always wanted.

Call Creative Spaces today to schedule your appointment with one of our remodeling therapists!

Get in contact with Creative Spaces Remodeling, a trusted remodeling contractor, today with any questions about remodeling projects, or to schedule a thorough consultation. Serving Maryland one successful construction project at a time, a professional home remodeling contractor keeps your goals at the center of our services.

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